Thursday, February 26, 2009

Future Car Technology

It is interesting to see how much the car industry is starting to catch up to industries such as avaition and automation in recent years. One could actually be forgiven for being of the opinion that car manufacturers have not really been on the forefrunt of technological innovation as pehaps the aviation industry has been.

But the tide does seem to be turning with many car manufacturers now starting to incorporate innovative safety features and designs into their fleets. But one cannot help but wonder: where will technology ultimately lead the car manufacturing industry? Are we moving towards a car of the future that would be able to automatically take us to our destination by simply providing the location of where we want to go, or will the car still be a tool - an interactive tool - in human hands.

Well, the possibilites do not seem to be set in stone. It is one of those rare cases where people have conflicting idealogies when it comes to moving from point A to point B. Some of us would like to maintain a sense of control while driving - sort of using it as a tool to enjoy freedom and the ability to move around at will. Some would prefer to just have a driver taking them to their desired destination.

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